
What are people saying about my Yoga and Reiki?

" I wouldn't have thought you were nervous, Seemed like you'd done it 100 times"  - 1st official client, April 2023

"You are incredible"  - After a clients' 1st Reiki session, May 2023

"I felt incredible, it was amazing. I always have knee pain and for 2 days after I didn't feel any pain. I have never felt better, even after massage, chiropractor and medications, I've never felt as good as I did after your Reiki sesssion, you are incredible" -  Client with autoimmune disorder, suffering from chronic joint and muscle pain, May 2023

"I'm learning so much more than yoga. I'm learning to accept myself in my entirety - I've never been more authentic with myself and others. Between Yoga and Gina Livy, I'm really embracing my true self and loving myself and others without judgement"  - From one of my first yoga students, May 2023